COVID announcement 4th January
Dear Parents,
In light of the government announcement this evening, school will be closed to all pupils tomorrow (Tuesday 5th January). School will reopen to children of critical workers and those pupils identified as vulnerable using the government criteria on Wednesday 6th January.
A list of critical workers can be found in the document below.
If you are a critical worker and require a place, please contact the school using the email below by 10am tomorrow (Tuesday 5th January). If you have alternative arrangements, you do not need to take up this offer of a place.
If your child is identified as vulnerable, school will contact you tomorrow to offer you a place from Wednesday 6th January.
Home learning will begin tomorrow and will continue until school reopens. Teachers will begin to contact parents to ensure that pupils can access home learning from the 6th January.
Home learning devices will be available for any child that needs a device to access home learning. Paper packs will also be available - more details of devices and packs will follow tomorrow.
Those pupils entitled to free school meals will receive a weekly voucher - more details will follow tomorrow.
We are very aware that this announcement has come to you with very little notice. Unfortunately, we were given no warning and we are reacting to the news and planning for the next few weeks as quickly as we can. Thank you for your continued support. Please keep yourselves and your family safe.